With a lot of the major faction stuff done I wanted to go off a slightly different way, so this post is a kind of “Rogue’s Gallery of the Dominion War” kind of thing.
A ship I expect to see at some point in official form is Gul Dukat’s stolen Klingon bird of prey. The ship name is from the card game (ahh memory alpha/beta you’re so helpful) and the ability is intended to represent Gul Dukat raiding convoys and generally preying on weaker ships.
Gul Dukat is intended to be a very directly good captain without being a simple free action. In a faction pure environment (how I tend to play most often) he would be pretty limited in which ships he would be useful on.
Kira is intended to turn whichever ship she’s on into a guerrilla raider style ship. While she only gives you a certain amount of bonus with a skill 8 captain she could conceivably be useful with some of the independant factions lower skill captains with interesting abilities. Damar and Ziyal are both designed to keep the relatively squishy B’Rel alive in a prolonged fight (two attack dice less vs a cloaked target may very well prevent all damage and repairing a shield could restore your ability to cloak in a pinch).
The whole thing is designed to be run as a single ship with all the crew cards in a casual/scenario game. NOTE: I was a little unsure what sort of ability to give Ziyal, I settled on an engineering style ability given she spent time as a miner.
Second we have another independant ship, the USS Defiant as stolen by Thomas Riker. This Defiants ability encourages you to throw it into the middle of an enemy fleet. Captain Riker supports the same idea but fits nicely on pretty much any ship, and stays useful as long as you are up close and personal with some enemies. I’ve given up and made the old Pulse Phaser Cannons factionless as the template (for good reason) doesn’t have a space for a third faction (federation, mirror, indy) and I wanted to keep this on a single card for all Defiants so when I eventually print these I can just have a few copies of that one.
Kira from the Naprem also fits this ship both from a story perspective and works better with rikers lower captain skill.
Third is a Beta canon ship, namely the Sovereign class USS Sentinel. The Sentinel was destroyed the year Voyager returned during the Hurq invasion (see Star Trek: Invasion on the PS1…the Typhon will be coming back soon too), this version is meant to be prior to that. While the Enterprise-E seemed to be occupied primarily with diplomacy my headcanon version of the Sentinel spent the latter parts of the war engaged in solo strike missions against the Dominion, hence this ones lone wolf style captain and heavy hitting ship ability.
NOTE: I THINK Captain Brennan appeared only in audio in the game so I’ve opted to represent any future imageless characters with faction logo’s unless something appropriate comes to life.
Last up is something that was brought to mind at the last OP I was at discussing all Ferengi fleets with the local Ferengi fanatic (seriously, I doubt anyone on earth has more attack wing D’Koras). I’ve gone for recreating some of the episode “The Magnificent Ferengi”. I’ve omitted Rom and Nog as the versions of them that came with Quark’s Treasure work perfectly well here.
The shuttles name is another card game concept. The ships ability is intended to make it slightly useful in a real game, where it shoots around making a nuisance of itself putting aux tokens on other ships. Quark and the assorted Ferengi crew are just a mix of utility crew and can all be run on the spoils along with Rom and Nog.
Finally as a little silly bonus heres one more Ferengi ship. While this could have been called “Quark’s Marauder” in the fashion of some of the other D’Koras I’ve gone for a sillier name which sprung to mind given these are also often called Marauders.
The ability is a little too text heavy for my liking but I couldn’t think how to shorten it but it’s quite Quark.
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