And the last in this batch of Beyond themed updates.
Kralls swarm fighters. The gimmick here is it allows you to run an entirely fighter based fleet. Yes, I realise that would be a living nightmare if they introduced it to the real game, but that’s the fun part of homebrew…it doesn’t all have to be printable.
Swarm Prime:
Swarm Second:
Swarm Command Squadron:
Swarm Squadron:
Krall and co take the form of squadron upgrades rather than regular captains and crew, although Krall and Manas still boost a squadrons captain skill and can be targeted as captains (for effects that disable captains etc).
Krall and Manas both give out free fleet actions (representing controlling advanced functions of the swarm) and the Tear Apart upgrade lets you trade squadron tokens for negative effects on the opponents ship.
Lastly Kalara screws with your opponents deployment. The text box gives limited space but if I was FAQing this for an OP I would say that it DOES allow the enemy ship to deploy outside the deployment area if it has to in order to stay in the required range.
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