The last post was all new toys for the Cardassians. This time It’s the founders themselves.
This is a fairly small assortment but I think in terms of ships the Jem’Hadar are pretty well represented (and it’s almost flavourful to run a lot of generic unnamed ships here anyway) and the Vorta have at least an assortment of cards.
The Founders themselves are almost completely unrepresented in the game (except for the Odo cards). So here are some options for them, including some more variants on my spy card concept.
That doesn’t strike me as enough to justify a whole post though and I came up with another idea for a type of upgrade: Battle Formations. These are a selection of unique upgrades that go into any slot and provide a powerful fleet wide buff….but can only be purchased for a fleet which meets a minimum level of fluff. They all share a name to cut down on using up unique name space and because you should never have more than one.
The inaugural selection consists of an all bugship Jem’Hadar fleet, a triple-Galor patrol group and a Breen energy dampener fleet.
I plan to make some more of these for other factions in future posts. In my head I like the idea of these making some fluffy but otherwise impractical fleets playable.
Other ideas within the Dominion War theme include groups such as:
- The Defiant and Rotarran.
- The Defiant, Majestic and Sitak.
- A trio of D’Deridex warbirds.
- An all B’rel class Klingon fleet (not that that doesn’t already work).
That sort of thing.
The next Attack Wing post will probably be Breen and S’ona but it may be a while as Shadows over Innistrad is about to finish spoilers so it’ll be time for some deck brewing and cube upgrades.
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